9. Previous September Programs

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September 2016 - Catching the Sun: The Clean Energy Future

Film Synopsis
"A must-see film. An eye-opening look at workers and entrepreneurs on the forefront of the clean energy movement that will transform, and enliven the way you see the future. What is clear is the wonderful opportunity the transition to clean energy represents." - Mark Ruffalo

Film Website -  HERE!       Film Trailer - HERE!

* Welcome, Announcements and Introductions!
* Film - Catching the Sun: The Clean Energy Future
* Discussion with members of the Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Association (MAREA)
* Video - What's Possible

Related Videos
* Thom Hartmann interviews Wenonah Hauter on Fracking - HERE!

* The Last Drop by Josh Fox - HERE!
* 'Disruption' on climate change - HERE! (52)
* Bill McKibben: 'Do the Math' on climate change - HERE! (45)

* 'Fracking' with Dr. Ingraffea - HERE! (23)

* Josh Fox on 'All the Things That Climate Can't Change - HERE! (3)

Stay Informed, Get Involved and Take Action!
Article - Chevron's Local "News" Site in Bay Area Alarms Media Watchdogs - HERE!
Article - The Cleanup of our Polluted Political Ecosystem Will Require the Energy of  

                    Citizens Across the Political Spectrum - HERE!
Article - 100% Renewable Energy: What We Can Do in 10 Years - HERE!
Article - 'It Can Be Done': Report Details Path to 100% Renewables by 2050 - HERE!

Article - Yes, There Is a Way Forward in Reining In Fracking - HERE!
Sierra Club Booklet - The Sylvanian - HERE!
MAREA Solar Tour 2016 Info - HERE!
Book - Frackopoly by Wenonah Hauter (2016) - HERE!
Website - 350.org - HERE!
Website - Earth Day Network - HERE!
Website - The Children and Nature Network - HERE!
Website - The National Environmental Education Foundation - HERE!

List of Environmental Organizations (Local, State, National) - HERE!


September 2015 - Shift Change

Program Synopsis:

At a time when many are disillusioned with big banks, big business, and growing inequity in our country, employee ownership offers a real solution for workers and communities. The film visits the 50-year-old network of cooperative businesses in Mondragon, Spain, and many thriving examples of such businesses in the U.S. The film shares on-the-ground experiences, lessons, and observations from the worker-owners on the front lines of the new economy.

Film Website: 
Shift Change - HERE and trailer - HERE!

Program Videos:
* Welcome and Introduction
* Program video - HERE!
* Chart on economic inequality for last 35 years and 30 years before that - 
* Go to Stand Up 4 Democracy (HERE) for more on economic and political inequality.
Individual videos
* Video - Democracy at Work - HERE! (2)

* Video - Ted Howard on the Evergreen Cooperative in Ohio - HERE! (3)
* Feature Film - "Shift Change" - (2013) (69) 
* Video - The Next System Project - HERE! (4+) 

Related Videos:
* Bill Moyers with Richard Wolff on Economic Problems (1st appearance) - HERE! (44)
* Bill Moyers with Richard Wolff on Curing Capitalism (2nd appearance) - HERE! (30)
* Democracy Now with Richard Wolff - HERE! (30)
* Gar Alperovitz on Democracy Now - HERE! (8)
* Richard Wolff on Democracy Now - HERE! (30)
* Own the Change: Building Economic Democracy One Worker Co-op 

        At A Time - HERE! (22)
* Go Co-op!  Cooperatives are a Better Way to do Business - HERE! (18)
* Building a Better World Cooperative by Cooperative - HERE! (5)
* The Spirit of Cooperation - HERE! (57)

Ideas to Stay Informed, Get Involved, and Take Action on this issue!

Stay Informed: Articles and Books!
* Article - Cooperative Curriculum - HERE!
* Article - $5 Million for Co-0p Development in Madison - HERE!
* Article - Ten Ways to Democratize Our Broken Economy - HERE!

* Article - How America's Largest Worker Owned Co-Op Lifts 
             People Out of Poverty - HERE!
* Article - Interview with Shift Change producers on 'How Worker-Owned 
             Companies Work' - HERE!
* Infographic on wealth in US - HERE!
* Book - "What Then Must We Do? Straight Talk About the Next Revolution"
             by Gar Alperovitz (2013) - HERE!
* Book - "Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism" by Richard Wolff - HERE!
* Book - Putting Democracy to Work: A Practical Guide for Starting and Managing 

                  Work-Owned Business - HERE!
* E-books by Grassroots Economic Organizing - HERE!
* Webinars page at Center for a New America - HERE!

Get Involved: Website of groups that are active on this issue!
*  The Next System Project - HERE!
*  US Federation of Worker Cooperatives - HERE!
*  National Cooperative Business Association - HERE!
*  The National Center for Employee Ownership - HERE!

*  Grassroots Economic Organizing - HERE!
*  Democracy at Work Institute - HERE!
*  Cooperative Development Institute - HERE!
*  Democracy Collaborative - HERE!
*  Cooperation Works - HERE!
*  Ohio Employee Ownership Center - HERE!

Take Action: Things you can do!
1. Explore the websites of one of the organizations above.
2. Read the article on
 'How Worker-Owned Companies Work' - HERE!


September 2014 - Disruption on Climate Change

Program Synopsis:
This Month we will discuss climate change using the recent movie "Disruption." When it comes to climate change, why do we do so little when we know so much? Though a relentless investigation to find the answer, Disruption takes an unflinching look at the devastating consequences of our inaction. The exploration lays bare the terrifying science, the shattered political process, the unrelenting industry special interests and the civic stasis that have brought us to this social, moral, and ecological crossroads.

Program Videos:
* Polar bears discussing Climate Change - HERE! (2)
* Tony Ingraffea: Intersection Between Hydraulic Fracturing & 
Climate Change - HERE! (7)
* Distruption on climate change - HERE!
* Music Video - Our Biggest Challenge - HERE! (4)

Related Videos:

* Makana - We Are The Many - HERE!
* Pete Seeger - To My Old Brown Earth - HERE!
* Pete Seeger sings This Land is Your Land - HERE!
* President Obama's speech at the UN on 9/23 - HERE!
* Video: Panel on Climate Change at Climate March - HERE!

* Years of Living Dangerously Showtime Series 1st show - HERE! (9 episodes on DVD soon)

* Bill McKibben: 'Do the Math' on climate change - HERE! (45)
* James Hansen's TED Talk: Why I must speak out about climate change - 
HERE! (17)
* James Hansen on Climate Change -HERE! (8)
* James Hansen interviewed on David Letterman - HERE! (9)
* John Oliver on Climate Change Debate - 
HERE! (4)

* Invalid Arguments Against Man Made Climate Change - HERE! (4)
* PBS program 'On Thin Ice' - HERE! (56)
* BBC program: 'The Truth About Climate Change Part 1' - HERE! (58)
* BBC program: 'The Truth About Climate Change Part 2' - HERE! (59)
* Inside the Climate Wars: A Conversation with Michael Mann - HERE! (27)

* The 350 Movement: 90 Seconds No Words - HERE!
* Pictures of major places with increase in sea levels - HERE! (2)
* Watch this Climate Change video before you vote - HERE! (4)
* What is Climate Change (for children)? - HERE! (3)
* Wake Up Call: Time to ACT on Climate Change - HERE! (4)

Ideas to Stay Informed, Get Involved, and Take Action on this issue!

Stay Informed: Articles, Videos, and Books!
* Article - Dark Money Corruption of Democracy Forces Direct Action and Mass

         Mobilization - HERE!
* Articles - Will Climate Change Produce Hell or High Water in PA - HERE!
* Article - NASA Scientist Warn of Three to Four-Meter Sea Level Rise by 2200 - HERE!

* Article - Food and Water Watch on Climate Change - HERE!
* Article - Climate Cover-up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming - HERE!
* Article - The Halliburton Loophole - HERE!
* Article - Why A National Carbon Tax Would Be Amazing - In 4 Charts - HERE!
* Pictures and Video of Climate Action Floods Wall Street - HERE!

* Book - This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate by Naomi Klein (2014) Click
         HERE for Democracy Now interview and HERE for a short article and video.
* Book - Windfall: The Booming Business of Global Warming - NPR interview - HERE!
* Book - Storms of My Grandchildren by James Hansen - Click HERE for interview.
* Book - The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert - Click HERE for interview.
* Climate Change Proposal by Dan Poresky - HERE! Feedback wanted!
* Occucards on Climate Change - HERE

Get Involved; Websites of groups that are active on this issue!

* 100 Top Climate Change Sites - HERE!
* Sierra Club - HERE! PA Sierra Club - HERE! Lehigh Valley Chapter - HERE!
* 350.Org - 

* US Climate Action Network - HERE!
* DeSmogBlog - HERE!
* Citizens Climate Lobby - HERE: Lehigh Valley Chapter - HERE!

* Berks Gas Truth - HERELehigh Valley Gas Truth - HERE!
* UUPLAN Environmental Justice Team - HERE!
* Society of Environmental Journalists - HERE!
* Climate Change National Forum - HERE!
* Interfaith Moral Action on Climate Change - HERE!
* Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education - HERE!
* The Climate Reality Project - HERE!

* Stop Global Warming - HERE!
* Climate Central - HERE!
* Clean Water Action - HERE!
* The Solutions Project - HERE!
* Occucards: Educational Outreach Cards for Activists - HERE!

* Food and Water Watch - HERE!
* Natural Resources Defense Council - HERE!
* Environmental Defense Fund - HERE!
* Penn Environment - HERE!

* Friends of the Earth - HERE!
* Greenpeace - HERE!
* Americans Against Fracking - HERE!
* Protecting Our Waters - HERE!
* Earth Day Network - HERE!
* One With the Earth - HERE!

Take Action: 3 Things You Can Do Now at the National Level!
1. Click HERE to hear President Obama's UN speech on climate change. Then 

       click HERE to demand he follow through with strong action.
2. Click HERE to read article about Fracking on Public Land! Then click HERE to sign
Food and Water Watch Petition to Ban Fracking on public land and click HERE to
         ask you representative to introduce a bill to stop fracking on public land.
3. Click HERE to read the talking points about the Keystone XL pipeline and
         to tell President Obama to stop it.

Take Action:
 3 Things You Can Do Now at the PA State Level!

1. Click HERE to read about Governor Corbett allowing fracking on state lands and then
        click HERE to tell your PA state representatives to speak up for our state lands.

2. Click HERE and tell your PA state senator and tell them you oppose HB 2354.
        Click HERE to read about this bad bill.

3. Click HERE to tell the EPA to close the loopholes in the Clean Water Act.

Take Action: Monthly 'Fix Our Democracy Now' Idea! 

I have the following 3 books available, at cost, on this topic:
1. "10 Steps to Repair American Democracy" by Steven Hill ($10)
2. "Move Our Message: How to Get America's Ear" by Susan C. Strong. ($10)
3. "Corporations Are Not People: Reclaiming Democracy from Big Money and Global Corporations" by Jeffrey D. Clements. ($15)
Click HERE for a more complete list of recent books and interviews with the authors!