First, we need to know who are our elected officials at the national and state levels. Who is your state senator, state legislator, national representative, and national senators? If you can not answer please use the link below to find our and write down their names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
National and State elected officials - Click HERE and enter your address.
Now, keep this list handy to call or email them to advocate for an economic and political system that works for everyone.
Easy three steps process:
(1) Call the number below for your elected official;
(2) Identify yourself as a voting constituent of that district; and
(3) State the issue and/or bill that you are for or against and what you would like the official to support.
US Capitol Switchboard:
1-202-224-3121 and ask for your elected official.
White House Comments Line:
National Officials:
* US Senator Casey D - 610-782-8470 or email - HERE!
* US Senator Toomey R - 610-434-1444 or email - HERE!
* US Rep. Dent R - 610-770-3490 or email - HERE!
* US Rep. Cartwright D - 484-546-0776 or email - HERE!
PA Senate Districts:
* 16 - Pat Browne R - 610-821-8468 or email - HERE!
* 18 - Lisa Boscola D - 610-868-8667 or email - HERE!
* 24 - Bob Mench R - 215-541-2388 or email - HERE!
* 40 - Mario Scavello R - 717-787-6123 or email - HERE!
PA Legislative Districts:
* 22 - Peter Schweyer D - 610-791- 6270 or email - HERE!
* 131 - Justin Simmons R - 610- 282-3901 or email - HERE!
* 132 - Michael Schlossberg D - 610-821-5577 or email - HERE!
* 133 - Dan McNeil D - 610-266-1273 or email - HERE!
* 134 - Ryan Mackenzie R - 610-965-9933 or email - HERE!
* 135 - Steve Samuelson D - 610-867-3890 or email - HERE!
* 136 - Bob Freeman D - 610-253-5543 or email - HERE!
* 137 - Joe Emrick R - 610-746-5090 or email - HERE!
* 138 - Marcia Hahn R - 610-746-2100 or email - HERE!
* 183 - Julie Harhart R - 610-502-2701 or email - HERE!
* 187 - Gary Day R - 610- 760-7082 or email - HERE!
Stay informed about how your national officials voted:
MegaVote (Here) to sign up for weekly updates on how your officials vote. (Here) for voting records in 14 categories!