To see the resources related to these film, click on the month and scroll down.
List of programs in 2018
January - Book Tour for "Daring Democracy"
February - Big Pharma: Market Failure"
March - Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time
April - Saving Capitalism: For the many, not the few!
May - Fighting Veteran Suicide and PTSD
June - How the Women's March Movement is advocating for women's rights!
July - Big Money Agenda: Democracy on the Brink
August - It Happens Right Here: Human Trafficking in the LV.
September - The Empire's War on the Border
October -
November - Challenging the Medicalization of Women's Sexuality
List of programs in 2017
January - Requiem for the American Dream
February - Planetary: Reconnect to Something Bigger
March - Economic Inequality
April - Documentary "13th" on Racial Equality
May - Program on Gender Equality
June - Program on Good Government and March on Harrisburg
August -
September - Program on Environmental Sustainability
October - "I Voted?" Documentary on Electronic Voting Machines
November - Program on Gender and Racial Equality
List of programs in 2016
January - Dream On
February - Heist: Who Stole the American Dream
March - Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point
April - Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA
May - Dear President Obama: The Clean Energy Revolution is Now
June - Bill Nye's Global Meltdown
July - The Brainwashing of My Dad
August - Gerrymandering: Who Draws the Voting Districts Lines?
September - Catching the Sun: The Clean Energy Future
October - Fix It 2: The Crisis in Drug Prices
November - Womens Issues Forum - Legacy of Women in the 2016 Election
December - No program this month
List of programs in 2015
January - I AM
February - The Wisdom to Survive: Climate Change, Capitalism, and Community
March - Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream
April - A Fierce Green Fire: Battle for a Living Planet
May - Shadow of Liberty
June - Broken on All Sides
July - Fed Up
August - Representative Democracy: Are We the People Being Represented?
September - Shift Change
October - Living Downstream
November - A Path Appears
December - No film this month
List of programs in 2014.
January - The Economics of Happiness
February - Inequality for All on economic inequality
March - Monsanto and Labeling GMOs
April - Groundswell Rising on fracking
May - War on Whistleblowers
June - Michelle Alexander on Mass Incarceration
July - Why Poverty in the U.S.A.?
August - Understanding Immigration Reform
September - Disruption on Climate Change
October - Priceless on Money in Politics
November - Makers: Women Who Make America
December - No film this month