13. List of Films Shown in 2014 and 2015 and 2016

To see the resources related to these film, click on the month and scroll down.

List of programs in 2018
January - Book Tour for "Daring Democracy"

February - Big Pharma: Market Failure"
March - Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time
April - Saving Capitalism: For the many, not the few!
May - Fighting Veteran Suicide and PTSD
June - How the Women's March Movement is advocating for women's rights!
July - Big Money Agenda: Democracy on the Brink
August - It Happens Right Here: Human Trafficking in the LV.

September - The Empire's War on the Border
October - 
November - Challenging the Medicalization of Women's Sexuality

List of programs in 2017

January - Requiem for the American Dream
February - Planetary: Reconnect to Something Bigger 
March - Economic Inequality
April - Documentary "13th" on Racial Equality
May - Program on Gender Equality
June - Program on Good Government and March on Harrisburg
August  -
September - Program on Environmental Sustainability
October - "I Voted?" Documentary on Electronic Voting Machines
November - Program on Gender and Racial Equality

List of programs in 2016
January - Dream On
February - Heist: Who Stole the American Dream
March - Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point

April - Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA
May - Dear President Obama: The Clean Energy Revolution is Now
June - Bill Nye's Global Meltdown
July - The Brainwashing of My Dad
August - Gerrymandering: Who Draws the Voting Districts Lines?
September - Catching the Sun: The Clean Energy Future
October - Fix It 2: The Crisis in Drug Prices
November - Womens Issues Forum - Legacy of Women in the 2016 Election
December - No program this month

List of programs in 2015
January - I AM
February - The Wisdom to Survive: Climate Change, Capitalism, and Community
March - Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream
April - A Fierce Green Fire: Battle for a Living Planet
May - Shadow of Liberty

June - Broken on All Sides
July - Fed Up

August - Representative Democracy: Are We the People Being Represented?
September - Shift Change
October - Living Downstream
November - A Path Appears
December - No film this month

List of programs in 2014.
January - The Economics of Happiness
February - Inequality for All on economic inequality
March - Monsanto and Labeling GMOs
April - Groundswell Rising on fracking
May - War on Whistleblowers
June - Michelle Alexander on Mass Incarceration
July - Why Poverty in the U.S.A.?
August - Understanding Immigration Reform

September - Disruption on Climate Change
October - Priceless on Money in Politics

November - Makers: Women Who Make America
December - No film this month